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FrameNet Data

FrameNet data is available online as browsable reports, a clickable visualization (FrameGrapher), and can be searched online.

Full Text Annotation
In addition to ongoing lexicographic work, the FrameNet team has annotated some continuous texts, as a demonstration of how frame semantics can contribute to text understanding. This style of annotation typically involves marking the frames evoked by multiple predicators in each sentence (or even in each clause) and their associated frame elements.

Frame Index
Frame definitions, semantic roles/frame elements (FEs), and other frame information.

Lexical Unit Index
Word senses (Lexical Units) with annotation and related syntactic patterns report.

Search the FrameNet data using the FrameSQL tool (Prof. Sato Hiroaki).

Interact with a visual representation of the frame-frame relations in the FrameNet data.

Downloading the data
You can download the FrameNet data as a set of files in XML format, together with a set of XSL scripts, making it possible to view the XML in an appropriate web browser, in the roughly same format as on the public website. The currrent release of FrameNet data is 1.7. Note that the data shown on this website is newer than the data in Release 1.7, but has not been as carefully checked for completeness and consistency.